
Whole Plant vs. Single Molecule CBD

Whole Plant vs. Single Molecule CBD

CBD comes in many forms: Distillate (top left), Isolate (top right), Whole-Plant (bottom). CBD is CBD, right? Well, not exactly. With so many CBD products on the market these days,...

Meet BLOOM: Lindsey's New CBD Skincare BFF (and hopefully yours, too)

Meet BLOOM: Lindsey's New CBD Skincare BFF (and hopefully yours, too)

Hi! It’s Lindsey from the Sow Eden team –– part time CBD dealer, full time skin care junkie. Almost as far back as I can remember, I have been totally...

Does CBD Really Cause Liver Damage?

Does CBD Really Cause Liver Damage?

A recent article published by Forbes entitled "Marijuana Study Finds CBD Can Cause Liver Damage" has created quite a stir. Since I take CBD almost on a daily basis, I,...

Whole Plant CBD Oil Explained & Why It’s So Much Better

Whole Plant CBD Oil Explained & Why It’s So Much Better

With so many CBD products currently on the market and very little regulation, do you actually know what you’re paying for? Is your CBD oil actually high quality, or is...

CBD-Infused Golden Milk Latte, Anyone? Here's the recipe!

CBD-Infused Golden Milk Latte, Anyone? Here's the recipe!

Here’s a truly delicious and wellness boosting beverage that is sure to satisfy your taste buds! Our favorite Ayurvedic golden milk latte recipe starts with a synergistic combination of spices:...

A Quick 'Pit' Stop: How CBD Solved My Armpit Problems

A Quick 'Pit' Stop: How CBD Solved My Armpit Problems

With the launch of our new BLOOM body butter just around the corner, I thought I would jump on here and talk about my favorite, and maybe unusual way, to...

Overcoming Anxiety Naturally

Overcoming Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety is possibly one of the worst things anyone can experience. Anxiety starts, for me at least, as this jumble of disjointed negative thoughts and a feeling of impending doom,...

What is CBDV? And Why You Should Care!

What is CBDV? And Why You Should Care!

WHAT IS CBDV? CBDV, or Cannabidivarin, is like the lesser-known twin brother of CBD. CBD and CBDV share a lot of the same features and characteristics, especially on a molecular...

What is a COA? And How to Read One!

What is a COA? And How to Read One!

Did you know that no government agency in the U.S. currently mandates that hemp-derived CBD companies submit their products for 3rd Party (independent) laboratory testing? Crazy and scary all at...

We Got COVID! Our Personal Journey with the Coronavirus

We Got COVID! Our Personal Journey with the Coronavirus

Since the news of COVID-19 first hit back in March, all of our worlds have been turned completely upside down. By far, 2020 has been the worst year ever, am...

Is Delta 8 The "Bath Salts" of the Hemp Industry?

Is Delta 8 The "Bath Salts" of the Hemp Industry?

Let’s get one thing straight right away: Delta 8 probably won’t make you turn into a zombie or eat someone’s face off like Rudy Eugene did, the infamous Miami man...

How Much CBD Should I Take and How Fast Will I Feel the Effects? A How to Guide by Lindsey

How Much CBD Should I Take and How Fast Will I Feel the Effects? A How to Guide by Lindsey

CBD… You see it in your grocery store, on billboards, at the gas station (gross!); it is probably even on the menu at your local coffee shop. Even that crazy...